Morgan’s Mercenaries: Heart of the Jaguar Page 11
The golden light and fire made her breasts grow firm and she felt herself suddenly wishing Mike, whom she needed so desperately, was here to touch her, to cup her breast and then place his mouth across the rigid nipple and suckle her gently, provocatively. The moment she wished for that, the energy flowed like the power of a flooding river on the rampage to the center of her body and began to throb wildly between her thighs. Caught within her wish to share this with Mike, she moaned with longing. The throbbing ache continued and she moved her hips in a rhythmic motion, wanting Mike, wanting him to hold her, move his fingers in a rocking motion and slowly open her thighs. Oh, to be touched, to be softly stroked now! The ache built and so did the fire. The energy of the flowers continued unabated, and then she felt a blossoming between her thighs, an incredible shower of golden light bursting forth, as if there was another kind of birth, another creation occurring within her.
A hot, lava-like warmth spilled through her and she sighed with pleasure, holding her arms against herself as the heat and light exploded not only upward in a dizzying spiral of pleasure, but down out of her.
The energy spiraled around her legs and plunged deep into Mother Earth. In that moment, Ann felt a part of the sky and a part of the earth as never before. She felt more alive, more connected to every living, breathing thing than she could ever recall. Slowly, ever so slowly, that sensation began to dissolve. Ann cried out in protest and sat up. No! No, she didn’t want to lose this feeling! This incredible sensation of being attached to Mother Earth and feeling her breath, her heart beating and the throb of life pulsing through every cell in her body.
Somewhere in the background, she heard a doorbell ringing—once, twice, three times. Doorbells didn’t belong in jungle dreams. With a groan, Ann turned over on her side, her hair swirling across her face and tickling her nose. The tickle took her out of her heated dream state. Damn. Forcing her eyes open, she blinked several times. Where was she? It took her a long, groggy moment to remember.
The doorbell rang again. Insistently.
“All right!” Ann grumbled as she sat up and threw off the light cover. The soft lavender curtains over the window of the pale pink bedroom kept light from flooding in, and she was grateful, because it appeared that the sun was shining brightly outside. Rubbing her face, she felt irritated. How badly she wanted to remain in that torrid, luscious dream. Even now, as she forced herself to stand up, Ann felt the last remnants of the warm pulsation between her thighs. It was a wonderful feeling, one that she hadn’t experienced in a long, long time. How many years had she tried to deny her own sexual needs? To suppress her sexual appetite and tell her body no? Too many. Far too many. Until now…until Mike had crashed unexpectedly into her life.
Stumbling to the end of the bed, Ann groped for her pale tangerine silk robe. She pulled it over her knee-length, white silk nightgown.
The doorbell rang again.
“All right!” she muttered defiantly as she hurried down the carpeted hall. “Just hold your horses, dammit!”
Pushing her hair away from her face, Ann tried to reorient herself. Yes, she was in Lima, Peru, not her home in the suburbs of Washington. No, it wasn’t winter outside, it was spring. She hurried through the living room toward the door. Fumbling with the locks, she managed to dislodge the dead bolt. Twisting the knob, she jerked the door open and glared out at the trespasser who had awakened her out of that very provocative dream.
Houston’s brows flew upward as he stood in the hall with groceries and a bouquet of flowers in hand. Ann stared drowsily at him. Her hair was in disarray, her blue eyes were clouded with sleep and her delicious mouth was parted and looking so damn kissable. Her tone, however, had little civility. She was upset, that was for sure. He gave her a faint shrug and tried a one-cornered smile of greeting to ease her irritation.
“I woke you up, didn’t I?”
Ruffled, Ann blinked again. Was she dreaming? “This is a nightmare…I want to go back to bed and keep on dreaming,” she muttered thickly as she turned on her heel and moved back into the living room.
Nonplussed, Mike stepped into the apartment. “Well, okay…go ahead,” he murmured.
“No…I’m sorry, Mike. I’m just…not here….” Ann had totry and wake up. She felt drugged, groggy. As she stood near the beautifully carved coffee table of dark red mahogany, she rubbed her face.
Mike shifted the groceries and shut the door behind him. “It’s afternoon,” he told her apologetically as he moved past her toward the kitchen. “Two p.m. I thought you’d be up by now. There wasn’t any food in the place, so I thought I’d bring some over so you wouldn’t starve to death when you woke up.” He’d miscalculated her need for sleep, and felt badly. Under the circumstances, he had to see Ann sooner rather than later because the longer he stayed in Lima, the greater the danger. It was only a matter of time until one of the drug lords’ spies identified him.
Ann sighed loudly. “I can’t wake up, Mike. Don’t talk to me right now. I’ve got to take a hot shower. Maybe then I can shake this off—this dream, the jet lag….” She turned and disappeared down the hall toward the master bathroom.
Chuckling indulgently, Mike watched her leave. Did Ann realize just how pretty she looked? How she made that silk robe move in such a provocative, teasing way? Sighing, he shook his head and continued on to the kitchen. He wondered if Ann realized the power she had over him as a woman. Normally, she wore the facade of doctor and therapist in his presence. Even the clothes she chose were mannish looking and understated, usually dull gray or brown. Mike understood why. She was a professional and needed to appear that way at all times. But there was so much to like about her feminine side—the side she seemed so unaware of. He wanted to help her discover the hot, unbridled woman within her. How selfish he was becoming when it came to her. Not even his past, which loomed like a nightmarish warning in front of him, could stop his desire for her.
After setting the groceries on the spotless, white-tiled kitchen counter, he decided to make Ann a cup of espresso. Yes, that would wake her up, he thought, pleased with the idea. He’d surprise her with a cup. She could drink it while she prepared for her shower. That was something he’d like someone to be thoughtful enough to do for him. No one had, of course, but he wanted to do it for her. She looked so pretty and vulnerable when she was sleepy. Her “I’m in charge” look was no longer placed like a mask over her soft, flushed features.
Ann had just shed her clothes, the shower creating clouds of steam as she adjusted it to just the right temperature, when there was a circumspect knock at the antique white-and-gold bathroom door.
What now? Ann’s mind just wasn’t functioning. Jet lag combined with stress and staying up too long had her in an unrelenting grip. Usually she could wake up very quickly and be cheerful. Today she desperately needed a shower in order to raise herself.
The circumspect knock came again.
Jerking at the knob, Ann only belatedly realized she was naked. Quickly stepping behind the door, she glared out from behind it. Mike was smiling lamely and holding out a cup and saucer in her direction.
“Espresso. I thought you might like some before your shower. You look like you need a good jolt to wake up from all that jet lag.” He offered her the cup.
Looking down at it, Ann realized there was cream in the espresso. Houston must have observed that she took cream and sugar in her coffee in Arizona.
“Is there sugar in there, too?” she croaked, to make sure.
His mouth curved. “Yeah, just the way you like it, querida. Here, take it.” For a moment, he wondered if she would. There was such sleepiness still present in Ann’s eyes as she looked up at him. He wanted to reach out, take her into his arms, lead her down the hall and love her awake. He brutally squashed the thought. Distance…he had to keep his distance from Ann. He couldn’t keep being intimate with this woman. Calling her darling didn’t help, either. Frustrated, Houston felt torn up inside.
“Come on,” he urged, trying to lighten the mood. “There are no strings attached to this. I just took pity on you, that’s all….”
Touched by his boyish smile, Ann reached out and took the proffered gift. “Thanks…this is going above and beyond the call of duty, Mike. I’ll be out in a little while, okay?”
“Sure. No hurry.” He glowed at her tender look of thanks.
Ann started to close the door.
“How do you like your eggs?’
The door halted. “What?”
“Your eggs. How do you like them?”
She scowled. “I don’t eat breakfast. You know that.”
His brows moved upward again. “No, I didn’t know that. At the ranch, I was always done with breakfast and was just coming back after my morning tour when I’d see you in the kitchen. You always had coffee in your hands…. You don’t eat breakfast?”
She heard the incredulousness note in his deep voice. “No,” she answered lamely, “I don’t. I…I…oh, never mind.”
Mike saw Ann become flustered. He realized she was naked and hiding behind the door. Soft clouds of mist were leaking out into the hall. “No problem. I’ll fix you something you’ll want to eat. Get your shower, Ann.”
She eased the door shut. The fragrance of the espresso drew her. She took a sip and groaned over the luxury of his thoughtful gift. She was being a real grouch and he was being understanding about it, taking her in his stride. The jet lag was turning her into a harpy eagle, she decided unhappily. Taking two more quick sips of the thick, sweet coffee, she smiled. This was just what she needed. How did Mike know? Her heart whispered that he cared enough to want to make her happy.
As she climbed into the welcoming stream of the shower and slid the glass door closed, Ann sighed and thrust her head beneath the water. Yes, this was perfect! How long she stood beneath that soothing, massaging spray reliving that torrid, delicious dream, Ann had no idea. She finally emerged from the eye-opening shower and toweled herself off. Then enjoyed the luxury, finishing the rest of her espresso.
Wrapping a thick yellow towel around herself, Ann padded quietly from the bathroom to her bedroom. A wonderful, spicy odor filled the air and she found herself automatically inhaling the delicious smell. Whatever Houston was fixing in the kitchen sure made her hungry!
That was odd, too, that she should feel this hungry. Like a starved wolf, in fact. Ann laughed softly at herself. Mike seemed to be giving her an appetite for a lot of things.
After pulling on a pale pink tank top, Ann chose a pair of well-worn, dark gray wool slacks. Most of the clothes she’d packed were still in her suitcases. She’d been so tired last night that she’d done little more than take a quick bath and drop, literally, into the beautifully carved mahogany, queen-size bed. She’d slept deeply. Wonderfully. The only thing missing had been Mike—being in his arms and sharing the lovemaking that had occurred in her torrid dream.
As Ann riffled through her second suitcase, she tried to find a long-sleeved blouse to put over her tank top. She always felt less a target if she wore big, oversize blouses to hide her body, her breasts. Men didn’t stare at her that much if she was cloaked in a blouse and then the standard white smock she wore as an MD.
“Damn…” she muttered, and gave up. Luckily, she found her comb and brush and went back to the bathroom. Even more luckily, she found her toothbrush and toothpaste.
When Ann had finished her toilet, she glanced up into the gold-framed mirror. Steam still clung to the edges of it and gave her reflection a very soft, beautiful look. Far prettier than she felt, that was for sure. Her sable-colored hair gleamed with reddish gold highlights even though it was still damp and hung unceremoniously around her shoulders. Still, the dark frame of her hair emphasized her blue-gray eyes and the flush across her cheeks. Touching her light dusting of freckles, Ann muttered, “Oh well…” She refused to be embarrassed by them for once. Usually, she wore just enough makeup to hide them from the world. Today she didn’t care. Mike had always said she probably looked beautiful au naturel. Well, today he was going to see her that way.
Her stomach growled. Rubbing the grumbling area with her hand, she hurried down the hall toward the kitchen, where all those wonderful smells were originating. Ann felt unparalleled joy at seeing Mike again so soon. Maybe today they would have time…time to explore one another at a delicious, leisurely pace. She found herself eager just to sit and share the afternoon with him. She’d never allowed herself such intimacy with Mike when they were at the Donovan Ranch together. What a fool she’d been, she realized, wanting to explore what might be.
She halted at the entrance to the sunny, pale yellow kitchen, which contained every conceivable modern appliance. For the first time, Ann really looked at Houston as he worked busily over the stove. He wasn’t in uniform, but casually dressed in a pair of dark brown slacks and a cream-colored polo shirt that outlined his magnificent chest to perfection.
Ann noticed once again just now, how terribly good-looking Mike really was. Although he was tall, he was medium boned and not heavy. There was an incredible grace to his movements as if he didn’t have joints at all. He reminded her of a sensuous cougar on the prowl—dangerous and mystical. At the ranch, he’d always worn pressed, starched army fatigues. She liked the way those dark brown slacks emphasized his narrow hips and showed the curve of his butt and his thick, powerful thighs. Yes, he was definitely in good physical shape, there was no doubt.
Disgruntled by her heated thoughts, Ann began to realize the depth of her need for Mike. Normally, she never looked at men in this way. Before Mike, men were to be distrusted, not appreciated as she was appreciating him right now. Hell, it had to be that dream she’d had earlier, spilling into reality, Ann decided. How she would love to feel that alive, that sensual, and have her five senses that lushly awake and receptive! Oh, what a change from how she normally allowed herself to feel! Her heart told her that Mike could make her feel that way. Eagerly, Ann looked forward to some quiet time spent with him today—and tonight. Yes, tonight…
Her gaze moved from Mike’s body to his face. He wasn’t handsome, at least, not in the conventional sense. But Ann found herself appreciating his square-jawed face, that nose that had been broken too many times to count, the white scars that told how much a warrior he was. Most of all, she found herself wanting to be kissed, to be seduced by this man of mystery who was cloaked in legend and myth.
His mouth was perfect, Ann decided—the most perfect part about him. His upper lip was slightly thinner than his full, flat lower lip. It was a mouth used to giving orders and having them carried out in an instant. She looked forward to those times, she hesitantly admitted, when his mouth would change from that thinned expression of hardness and military authority, and soften, one corner lifting in an amused, teasing smile.
Yes, there was much to enjoy about Mike Houston, Ann admitted. She could feel her breasts start to tingle as she studied the shape of his mouth. As her gaze moved down to absorb his strong, lean body once again, she could feel a slight throbbing ache begin between her thighs. Frustrated with herself for not being able to quench the longing, one she’d never experienced with any man in her life to date, Ann cleared her throat. Despite her head’s shrill warning to not allow herself to get involved with Houston, she couldn’t help admiring him.
Houston lifted his head and saw Ann leaning in the doorway, her arms wrapped defensively across her breasts, looking at him with that soft, provocative smile of hers. He was more than a little aware of the heat in her eyes—for him.
“Hey, look who just rose from the dead!” he crowed.
“Very funny, Houston.” Ann grinned unwillingly as she moved to the kitchen counter.
He noticed she looked damn pretty in that sweet little pink tank top, which outlined her upper body very nicely. She had beautiful breasts. What would it be like to touch them, to feel the soft curve of them flowing into his large hands? The thought was incendiary. Torturous. Instantly, Mike shoved it
away. He instinctively knew that if he complimented her on her outfit, she’d never wear it again. Ann always wore bulky clothes, clothes that hid her slender, beautiful body. It didn’t make sense. Most women would kill to have a body like hers. That, or diet their life away to achieve it.
“Go sit down in the breakfast nook,” he urged her. “I just made a second cup of espresso for you. You’ll see it there. I’ll have my welcome-to-Lima lunch ready for you in a jiffy.”
Ann laughed a little. She couldn’t help it. This was a side of Houston she’d never seen before. He was like an eager little boy, not the hard-bitten soldier she knew him to be. There was warmth and teasing in his deep voice, and she melted beneath that burning blue gaze that had sunlight in its depth. Even though he’d shaved this morning, the shadow of his beard gave his face a dangerous look. It made him all that much more mysterious looking—and a danger to her wildly fluctuating emotions.
“You’ve been so thoughtful, Mike. Thanks….” Sitting down, Ann gratefully sipped her espresso. There were two place settings laid out next to one another at the round table covered with a bright orange, red and yellow cloth. Just as she put the cup to her lips, her gaze settled on some flowers in a crystal vase next to the grocery bags still sitting on the drain board. She choked on the coffee.
As Mike brought over the skillet and put half the contents on her plate and the other half on his, Ann coughed violently. “What are those?” she demanded in a strained voice, pointing to the flowers on the counter. Her coughing fit subsided.
“Hmm? Oh, orchids. Why?” He grinned as he placed the empty skillet in the sink and ran water to fill it. Grabbing the vase, he triumphantly brought the flowers over and set them on the table so they could be fully appreciated.